LinkedIn Changed Its Algorithm — Here's How You’ll Get More Attention Now
LinkedIn has revamped its algorithm. So it's time for you to update your social strategy on this influential platform. Understanding and adapting to these shifts can elevate your LinkedIn game. Here are the vital changes to keep in your sights as you create and disseminate content.
The LinkedIn Algorithm Changed: What You Need to Know
Image Source: Souvik Banerjee, Unsplash
As the quintessential B2B social networking platform, LinkedIn has constantly sought ways to fine-tune the content that circulates within its space. As more users find their voice on this platform, LinkedIn has decided to overhaul its algorithm to encourage more valuable interactions and content. Here, we delve deep into the two core shifts that you need to be aware of:
1. Enhanced Visibility from Followed Connections
One of LinkedIn's key algorithm modifications is a 10% surge in the visibility of posts from people you follow. This is a departure from the approach adopted by other popular platforms like Instagram and Facebook, where fresh connections are continually promoted.
LinkedIn respects the choices of its users, acknowledging that you follow certain individuals for a reason. This adjustment ensures that you continue to enjoy valuable insights and updates from your chosen connections, fostering a community grounded in mutual respect and interest.
Takeaway: Stay connected and engage with the content from your network to maintain a vibrant and interactive LinkedIn presence.
2. Prioritizing Knowledge-Sharing and Advice
LinkedIn has registered a significant uptick – almost 40% – in the engagement on posts that disseminate knowledge or offer advice, even if the content is from outside the viewer's network. This is an encouraging trend that prompts users to focus on creating content that assists others in achieving greater productivity and success.
Takeaway: Focus on crafting posts that offer valuable insights, knowledge, or advice, and you might find your content winning on this platform.
Determining the Value of Posts
But how does LinkedIn ascertain the value of these posts? The answer lies in a multi-faceted approach that considers:
Relevance to a Distinct Audience: Craft your messages to resonate with a specific audience. Your content should speak to them directly and address their needs or interests.
Expertise in Core Subject Area: Maintain a focused approach, sticking to your area of expertise instead of trying to cover a broad spectrum of topics.
Meaningful Engagement: Encourage in-depth discussions through your posts. Meaningful comments, rather than superficial responses, add a wealth of value to your content.
Takeaway: Create content that resonates with a particular audience, showcases your expertise, and fosters meaningful discussions.
Are You Ready to Lead the Charge?
In the evolving landscape of LinkedIn, staying ahead means adapting swiftly and embracing the new norms. It’s not just about being seen, but being recognized as a thought leader in your domain.
Are you feeling overwhelmed with the shifting dynamics and struggling to keep up with the demand for quality content? Don’t worry, you're not alone in this. Let's work together to redefine your LinkedIn strategy, ensuring you not only adapt but thrive in this new ecosystem.
Discover the unique strategies that align with these new changes; book a marketing strategy session with us today. Together, we will craft a roadmap that leverages the power of the new LinkedIn algorithm to catapult your brand to unprecedented heights.